In this real environment and with a large influx of public, The Find System & Rescue developed by Egeon Technology, with the collaboration of SAMUR and the technological support of crossThings, will show its advantages during the journey that their Majesties the Three Wise Men of the East will travel in Madrid.


For the first time and during the Three Kings Parade in Madrid 2017, which will take place on the afternoon of the 5 January, the telematics management system for emergency teams Find & Rescue, Developed by the Spanish company Egeon Technology, specialized in electronic solutions in the IoT environment (Internet of Things) with the collaboration of SAMUR Civil Protection City of Madrid and the technological support of crossThings, will be put to the test in this real-world environment.

Around thirty members of the SAMUR teams, which will be distributed along the route that their Majesties the Three Wise Men of the East will travel, will wear the personal monitoring device PCU1216, which will allow those responsible for the deployment, both from the control centre and in the field, know in real time the exact position of each of them and thus manage their location, detect if any of them fall to the ground, remains motionless or is 'shaken', to send you help quickly.

blankThrough the portable device carried by each cash, The deployment coordination centre and/or the central office know the exact location of the deployment at all times, which allows the distribution of all deployed troops in the field to be shown in real time, thus streamlining management and decision-making by those responsible for the deployment.

The differential of this personal monitoring device is that it emits an alarm signal when some incidents occur, Like its wearer falling to the ground, Remain still for longer than normal, leave a certain area, Etc. so that other officers can help and attend to you more quickly.

Each personal device emits real-time information from its sensors to the event management platform, co-developed with crossThings engineering, specialized in carrying out IoT/M2M projects and technological partner of Egeon Technology.

From this platform, the data received is processed and displayed on a map of the status and location of all the troops deployed at one or more simultaneous points, which allows them to be managed effectively both from a single coordination center and by the person responsible in the field for each deployment.

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By • 5 Jan, 2017
• Section: Case studies, Systems control, Events, Urban security, Services