This reseller has available the catalog of network video management and security software solutions, as well as servers and workstations from this North American manufacturer for application in numerous vertical markets and projects of any size.


Iberia IPtv Systems, member of the European Eye-D Consultant group, will market in the Spanish market the solutions for ip video management and analysis of the provider Network Optix, based in the United States, and one of the fastest growing since it introduced its first commercial software three years ago, very easy to use, with the sale of more than 350.000 licenses for IP devices in that period,.

An ease of use that Sergey Bystrov, one of the founders of Network Optix, points out as the company's hallmark: "we want to create software so simple that it can be used by any user, including those unfamiliar with these systems".

Nx Witness management software, whose latest version is the 2.6, has become one of the most recognized on the market and ensures interoperability with a large number of video and audio devices. Other features include Audio-out-as-an-action for Axis devices; HTTP request-as-an-action and rapid review.

This advanced video manager (Vms) connects to virtually any device or media source and offers capture (HDD video and metadata streams, NAS and even cloud); Management (system monitoring, creating alerts, Etc.); search and share with other teams and solutions. IPtv and Network Optix offer a thirty-day trial period to use Nx Witness for free on systems with four IP cameras.

For its part, Network Optix Nx Witness IP VMS powered by VCA brings a complete suite of video content analysis features and capabilities. Using HTTP Generic Event API and VCA Analytics, users can easily and quickly integrate video analytics (live or recorded on the customer's Nx Witness).

VCA technology can be configured and calibrated based on the needs of each project and capture and send 'events' via HTTP VCA to any Nx Witness Server.

As far as hardware is concerned, the company has nx1 server and workstation models, with four IP video streams; Nx2 with up to 128 IP video streams, Raid and twelve 3.5" HDDs. The combination of Network Optics software and hardware and local IPtv support provides a quick response to specific video management needs across multiple vertical markets.

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By • 19 Oct, 2016
• Section: Deep down, Systems control, Business