The Japanese multinational has introduced this innovative access solution to the European market, which is based on reading the veins in the palm of your hand, designed for the corporate market.


The PalmSecure ID Access PSN900 biometric device Fujitsu provides precise and innovative access control for installation in companies of any size, consisting of a terminal with the palmsecure integrated sensor and a touch screen, to authenticate the person's identity by scanning the veins in the palm of the hand, no contact needed.

Very simple installation and for the first time in the European market, this system also integrates easily and quickly into existing hardware infrastructures in companies, providing biometric authentication with a high degree of precision with respect to traditional access controls, based on PIN codes, Passwords, keys or cards.

fujitsu_palmsecure-psn900Fujitsu PalmSecure PSN900 is available in different configurations to offer multi-factor authentication, with options like adding readers, either for Mifare cards or proximity HID, as well as various accessories to perform the palm scan precisely, quick and hygienic.

This device uses infrared light to scan the pattern of oxygen-free blood passing through the veins in the palm of users' hand. A proprietary algorithm uses this image to generate a unique biometric template, identification is confirmed with a database of users already registered.

Faster, because the registration process takes less than a minute and the authentication process takes less than a second, and with fewer mistakes than writing a key, PalmSecure PSN900 is a very secure system, veins are hidden under the skin and are not easily visible to the eye.

In addition, patterns don't change and they're unique; can provide more than five million separate benchmarks and counterfeiting is virtually impossible.


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By • 11 Oct, 2016
• Section: Deep down, Access control, Intrusion