Located in the heart of the Dutch capital, this contemporary theatre has two large spaces, with the capacity to 1.500 People, in addition to the frequented Grand Café and an art exhibition, that made it essential to install a security system that would protect people and their valuable assets.


The DeLaMar Theatre, close to Amsterdam's well-known Leidseplein, belongs to the VandenEnde Foundation, Created in 2001 by Joop van den Ende, He is also the founder of Endemol Productions, One of the most important audiovisual media production companies in the world, creator of the 'Big Brother' format, with the aim of promoting culture.

This important establishment, with a steady stream of visitors, Actors, technicians and employees that brings together thousands of people daily in different rooms, as well as valuable assets such as the art collection, Inventories and Documents, The theatre required a security system that specifically protected each area.

This is what Patrick Uni points out, responsible for the DeLaMar Theatre Building: "Here we can make a clear distinction between the front and back of the building, each with specific safety requirements".

Specifically,, The so-called front part is the one that faces the street and the main entrance of the theatre, where the box office is located and the access to the areas that the theater has to hold events, conferences, Seminars & Galas, so the security system had to offer uninterrupted management and be discreet enough so that visitors did not feel observed.


For its part, The rear part houses the functional areas of the theatre, Closed to the public, but with a continuous flow of employees, Technical, Etc. with access to the stage, Dressing rooms, Offices, Rehearsal rooms, Equipment storage area, Decorated, furniture, changing room, Etc.

Following the positive experience in the deployment of the security system in some of the Endemol Productions, for the DeLaMar Theatre, the technology and solutions of Honeywell Security, according to the project designed and integrated by the local company Shield Beveiligingstechniek.

"We were looking for a reliable security partner, with specific and specialized knowledge and we felt that the obvious choice was Shield Beveiligingstechniek and choose an integrator that, in a metaphorical sense, will speak the same language as us in order to establish a reliable and lasting partnership.".

For this project, the solution selected was Honeywell's Win-Pak access control, Integrated with anti-intrusion and video surveillance systems. This system allows users to manage access and integrated security elements using installation drawings.


The DeLaMar Theatre chose the Galaxy Dimension tested anti-intrusion panel with a variety of IP and analog cameras from the Acuix and Performance series connected to a Fusion IV digital video recorder from the 32 channels with VideoBloX.

Galaxy Dimension makes it easy to integrate detection with access control in up to 32 Sections, allowing you to protect up to 520 Zones and 64 Doors. Sixty DT-7550 Dual PIR detectors with anti-masking function were installed at the DeLaMar Theater (some of them connected to a camera for video verification), in strategic areas throughout the building.

As far as access control is concerned, the DeLaMar Theatre opted for a keycard-based system, with the deployment of 135 OmniClass card readers with several advanced features, intuitive programming of 67 Weekly Schedules. A function of special importance for the theatre, since the system has the capacity to 1.000 cardholders and keeps a record of access and intrusions of up to 1.500 Events.

The surveillance system consists of a combination of high-resolution IP and analog cameras, with real day/night functionality, connected to a Fusion IV hybrid DVR unit. To increase the ease of operation of the solution, A connection to the VideoBloX audio/video matrix is used with real-time diagnostics.

Honeywell WIN-PAK 4.4Thanks to the Win-Pak integration software platform, the DeLaMar Theatre doesn't just connect individual systems, it can also manage the entire system through intuitively programmed system drawings.

Another requirement of the system was to facilitate the management of security personnel, with flexible use in terms of variable theatre programming, as well as that only a few people, Like the doorman of the theatre, have full access to the security system and authorization to configure it.

The Win-Pak software makes it easy to program an unlimited number of hierarchical categories according to the job, allowing you to predefine the level of functionality or access restriction. In the same way, Command files can also be split according to different authorization levels.

In addition, The use of plant drawings allows employees with a low level of clearance to have an overview of the protected areas, with a visual presentation of the doors that are open and issuing alerts whenever a security risk occurs, such as a door that has been left ajar or forced open.

Honeywell DVM R600 Video WallSince its launch, the number of theft-related incidents has been drastically reduced, in addition to identifying human errors and automatically rectifying. "The challenge in this project was not only to design a viable system, but also to be able to eliminate problems that could arise from human errors," explains Stephan Azijnman, project manager and co-owner of Shield Beveiligingstechniek-. "This is also the main reason why we decided to integrate the anti-intrusion system with the video surveillance system".

Honeywell Security Security System Installed:

  • Access control software Win-Pak Professional Edition, with Galaxy integration, And 135 OmniClass OM30 main-mount smart card readers.
  • Modular Matrix Switch.
  • Fusion IV DVR and TCP/IP NVR 32 Channels.
  • Four 19" LCD-TFT monitors.
  • Nine color WDR/TDN cameras HCD545X.
  • Sixteen VR HD51X color minidomes.
  • Five ACUIX ES Indoor PTZ Cameras.
  • Galaxy Dimension GD Anti-Intrusion Panel 520 of 2,5 To.
  • Panel de control LCD Galaxy MK7.
  • Galaxy Ethernet Module.
  • 61 dual sensors AM PIR DT-7550.

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By • 3 Oct, 2016
• Section: Case studies, Access control, Systems control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Detection, Intrusion, Video surveillance