Ibermática is the company responsible for carrying out this project integrated by the installation of 60 biometric presence control devices in 3D, who will be able to identify workers by the physiognomy of their fingers without the need for physical contact.

Audi Mexico Plant

Audi Mexico e Ibermática have reached an agreement by which the technology company will install and configure the 3D biometrics system for the control of markings and signings of the professionals of the new manufacturing plant that the automotive firm has inaugurated in the Latin American country.
The devices used are able to recognize people by the physiognomy of their fingers, so they will avoid any type of fraud when detecting the presence of professionals in the factory.

Interflex IF6040The system chosen is that of Interflex, German enterprise of the Allegion Group of which Ibermática is a partner since 2014. This company, based in Stuttgart, Develops, produces and distributes hardware and software solutions for time management, attendance, security and access control.

The presence control system that will be installed at the Audi factory in Mexico is integrated by the Interflex IF6040 software, that integrates with an SAP interface, And 60 3D biometric readers that will allow to give service to the more than 2.000 professionals who will work in the new car plant.

In addition, it is expected that during this year they will be installed, more than 200 proximity card readers for access control. Both hardware and software offer integrated responses, they are parameterizable and present a careful design and a powerful functionality.

Audi Mexico Plant

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By • 7 Jun, 2016
• Section: Case studies, Access control, Detection