The combination of both solutions offers retailers an interconnected security system that allows information on thefts to be captured, with the corresponding video about the moment of subtraction, optimizing loss prevention.

Tyco Sensormatic Synergy

Exacq Technologies, part of the business unit of Tyco Security Products, has announced an integrated solution in the electronic item protection system (Eas) Sensormatic Synergy by Tyco Retail Solutions.

The combination of the exacqVision video management system (Vms) and Tyco's EAS Synergy series offers retailers an interconnected solution that captures information about theft with the corresponding video about the moment of theft, improving loss prevention efforts.

ExacqvisionSynergy Series pedestals also offer retailers a sleek, modern design, integrate with the business environment and have a powerful control and management capability, as acoustic-magnetic detection (Am) and item-level inventory control through radio frequency identification technology (Rfid).

Synergy pedestals capture relevant information on loss prevention and create a surveillance zone at store entrances and exits. When an alarm jump occurs due to the exit of a product from the store protected with a built-in EAS anti-theft label, the system immediately sends a notification to the dependents.

Exacqvision 300x100With the integration of exacqVision video management into the Synergy system, retailers acquire additional value with a complete video surveillance system and have real-time information on losses. Retailers can view live images of the alarm jump in the store or search for previous alarm jumps and check it with the corresponding exacqVision video.

exacqVision video recording can detect why EAS alarm jumps have been triggered from the pedestal, including locking and metal detection systems, if sensors are blocked or disabled offline, on and off energy saving systems or alarm counting, among other functions. Thanks to this integration, retailers can quickly identify theft suspects and improve their real-time action response.

This integration requires the version 7.6 exacqVision server and Sensormatic Synergy firmware 101.03.00 to connect Sensormatic pedestals and manage data output.

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By • 1 Jun, 2016
• Section: Alarms, Access control, Systems control, Detection, Video surveillance