Purchasing RSI Video Technologies will enable Honeywell to improve its ability in video verification, incorporating the Videofid product line into its offering, designed to detect the presence of intruders, as well as recording and alerting the central alarm receiver of the incident.

RSI Videofid

Honeywell has acquired the developer of intrusion detection solutions for commercial and residential security applications RSI Video Technologies By 123 millions of dollars (113 millions of euros).

With this acquisition, Honeywell improves its ability to verify video by incorporating RSI solutions into its offering. "With this operation we complement our security portfolio and incorporate a new technology that will provide added value to our dealers and partners", comments Alex Ismail, President and CEO of Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions.

Founded in the year 2000, based in Strasbourg (France) and conducting its main operations in Minnesota , RSI has performed more than one million installations of video verification alarm systems in more than 60 Countries. Its staff is made up of 110 employees in France and the United States.

RSI Videofid

RSI solutions, which are marketed under the videofid brand, are designed to detect the presence of intruders, as well as recording and alerting the central alarm receiver. It is a wireless alarm system with video verification that can be used in remote surveillance and self-surveillance applications.

This complete security system is integrated by a wide range of peripherals and accessories that operate wirelessly and work with the GSM/GPRS network. They can also be connected to the network and configured via an Ethernet connection (Ip).

Every Videofid system must be configured with one of its MotionViewers detection cameras and one of its panels, which are the heart of this intrusion system that communicates with peripherals using RF technology.

RSI to become part of Honeywell Security and Fire, commercial unit that is part of Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions oriented to the security and protection technologies of commercial and residential buildings, as well as industrial facilities. With systems installed in millions of buildings and homes around the world, RSI to Benefit from Honeywell's Global Channels, as well as its end-to-end security solutions.

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By • 9 Sea, 2016
• Section: Alarms, Detection, Intrusion, Business, Video surveillance