Among the new features is the aisle vision mode (corridor view mode) with direct management from Daview software, with the improved automatic calibration algorithm of this software; a digital image stabilizer to avoid false alarms and integration into PTZ and thermal dome cameras.

Davantis SICUR 2016

The edition 2016 of Sicur has the participation of the manufacturer of video analysis systems Davantis (Pavilion 10 – stand S14), that presents at Ifema –Feira de Madrid its new software solutions based on thermal cameras from various manufacturers.

The use of video analysis in combination with thermal cameras offers an ideal solution for the protection of large perimeters, as chemical and petrochemical industries, commercial ports, power plants or photovoltaic plants.

Davantis video analytics improve the effectiveness of any video surveillance system, increasing the level of protection with the addition of thermal and PTZ cameras, as it has sophisticated video analysis algorithms that use machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies to naturally adapt to changes in the scene.

CCTV Center Davantis Sicur2o16

The company is certified by the Department of Scientific Development of the Uk Home Office, one of the few independent institutions that performs rigorous validation tests of video analysis systems, that guarantees the high reliability of your systems for perimeter protection in all types of scenarios, with one of the lowest false positive rates on the market.

Installation and maintenance of Davantis systems are easy and specific parameter configurations for thermal cameras are included, thanks to its Clickthru three-click alarm management technology.

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By • 25 Feb, 2016
• Section: Systems control, Detection, Events, Intrusion