This security system for access control, which has been running successfully since December 2015, is based on the Mats mobile terminal of digitek primion, tech subsidiary of this Spanish multinational.

Azkoyen Liceo Barcelona Group

The Spanish multinational Azkoyen Group, based in Navarra, has installed in eighty points of the Teatro Liceo in Barcelona, including boxes, the systems of control of access to the venue and validation of entry tickets.

For this project, Azkoyen Group has used the Mats mobile terminal primion Digitek, subsidiary of the company specializing in manufacturing, commercialization and implementation of access control systems, presence and integrated security systems.

This system, that updates the one already used in the Lyceum, including access gates, allows you to control the entrance to the theater uninterruptedly (24×7) And, thanks to the . integration with new identification systems (Smartphones, Tablets), promotes greater agility in viewer access, as the ticket identification process takes less than 0,2 Seconds.

Another advantage of installing this control system is to prevent fraud, detects whether the ticket has already been used or if it is a copy of the original ticket, while making it easier to register group passes, counting the people going through the aisle.

The Mats mobile terminal also has differential characteristics compared to other similar systems, such as the validation panel for QR and barcode readers, which has a diameter of 10 Cm.

The new system installed in the Lyceum also incorporates a backup battery in case of power failure, And, Optionally, you can stream video and audio. These equipments feature high-security technology and component integration with open source software, allowing remote monitoring and control via the Internet via secure connections (Vpn).

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By • 13 Jan, 2016
• Section: Case studies, Access control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Services