Through its subsidiary in Germany, primion Technology AG, this specialist in control solutions has been awarded a contract in Bulgaria with the Norwegian group Telenor to deploy its technology in its retail stores.

Azcoyen primion Telenor

Primion Technology AG, belonging to the Spanish group Azkoyen Group, based in Navarra and specialized in security and control technologies, will be responsible for deploying your equipment for access control and centralized alarm management, with integrated third-party solutions (IP CCTV, Etc.) to the Norwegian telephone operator's Bulgarian centres Telenor.

The business relationship between both companies is long, since in the last ten years all Telenor centers in India, Serbia and Montenegro have primion Technology equipment for IAS, anti-theft technology for mobiles, Etc., which are controlled through the system of this specialist psm2200 Control Centre.

Azcoyen primion TelenorRecently, Telenor has also awarded primion Technology an important contract (with a six-digit order volume) to extend the system in Eastern Europe to include Bulgaria, in addition to working to spread to more European countries and other continents.

This project of primion Technology and its partner A.S.S.-Bulgaria includes the installation of readers, control panels and other auxiliary equipment in a large number of shops in the Balkan country. These primion systems control and visualize access to headquarters, shops and departments and allow tracking of mobile phones and other electronic equipment on display in establishments.

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By • 16 Dec, 2015
• Section: Case studies, Access control, Detection, Intrusion