The manufacturer of IP video surveillance systems has once again been chosen by the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, through SiempreWeb, your official partner in the archipelago, to carry out new projects in your facilities with your megapixel cameras.

Mobotix IAC SiempreWeb

The Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC) is an internationalized Spanish research center and selected by the Government as a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, which has two headquarters and two observatories in environments of excellent astronomical quality: the Teide Observatory, on the island of Tenerife, and the Roque de los Muchachos, on the island of La Palma), which together constitutes the European Northern Observatory (ENO).

The IAC headquarters is located in La Laguna (Tenerife), where astrophysical research and technological development projects are carried out, with a graduate school and scientific dissemination, while a second is in the Center for Astrophysics of La Palma (CALP), where the Gran Telescopio Canarias and the Magic Collaboration also have their offices.

For more than ten years, The IAC has sixteen network cameras Mobotix What, located outdoors and withstanding adverse weather conditions, are still in perfect condition and working. These IP devices do not need motors for the lens or for movement and, lacking moving parts, maintenance is kept to a minimum.

Instituto Astrofisico Canarias-IACWith just 4-5 watts of power, without heating or fan and about 3.500 meters high (at the top of El Teide National Park), These megapixel cameras operate in a wide range of temperatures ranging from -30° to +60°C. Since no computer hard disk is required for recording, There is no consumable in the entire video system.

These have been some of the reasons why the IAC has once again relied on MOBOTIX megapixel camera technology for its new project, that has not yet been disclosed (Although everything indicates that it is related to the total eclipse of the moon of the next 28 September), and in which he has been working for AlwaysWeb, official partner of this supplier of security systems in the Canary Islands.

This has been pointed out by Miquel Serra-Ricart, IAC administrator, during the recent visit by Jesús Garzón, regional sales director for Latam and Iberia of MOBOTIX AG, and Luis González, director of SiempreWeb, to your facilities. "When something works as well as Mobotix systems do, how are you going to think about another option?. We are more than satisfied with the quality of their solutions and ten years of trouble-free operation guarantee that we are facing cutting-edge and durable technology, So obviously we want to count on them again for our projects.".

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By • 23 Sep, 2015
• Section: Case studies, Services, Video surveillance