With optimal audio performance and high energy efficiency, this integrated voice evacuation and public address system has a four-channel matrix architecture for flexible combinations in multiple zones.

Bosch Security Paviro

Paviro's voice evacuation and public address system Bosch Security Systems, available already on the market, is a flexible and modular solution for small and medium-sized installations, as offices, Hotels, Schools, regional airports, Etc. easy-to-use and high energy efficiency pending EN54 certification.

Thanks to its system-round four-channel matrix architecture, Paviro allows up to four audio signals to be distributed simultaneously (ads or music playback) to the different speaker areas. At the same time, individual ads in any area don't interrupt music in the rest.

Optional integration of additional audio systems through two of the amplifier inputs reduces the total number of amplifiers required, which lowers the total cost of the system and those associated with its operation.

Bosh Security Paviro'Basic' and 'expert' configuration modes facilitate a convenient and quick complete system setup. The first provides a step-by-step setup guide to schedule it in thirty minutes, while expert mode offers almost unlimited system design flexibility, especially suitable for more complex and demanding applications.

The Paviro system offers professional sound quality and excellent voice intelligibility by making use of technologies developed to improve professional sound, to which is added its low energy consumption.

The combination of dynamic source routing and intelligent amplifier input switching reduces the number of amplifiers needed and, Accordingly, guarantee a lower initial investment. Using high-efficiency Class D amplifiers, as well as intelligent power management hardware and software, minimize the amount of batteries needed at the time of purchase, as well as the costs of constant use.

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By • 15 Sep, 2015
• Section: Deep down, Communications, Services