Four Mobotix cameras have been installed in the medieval centre of Vitoria-Gasteiz to protect the area from vandalism, also protecting the mechanical ramps and elevator of St. Mary's Cathedral.

Mobotix Old Vitoria Cathedral

The Cathedral of St. Mary of Vitoria, popularly known as Old Cathedral, it is a Catholic temple built in the twentieth century in neo-Gothic style that is located in Vitoria-Gasteiz and is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

In 1994 was closed to the public to carry out a comprehensive restoration process that ended in 2014. Part of the restoration process has had the installation of ramps and an elevator to facilitate access to the cathedral. At the same time, it is provided to the neighbors and visitors of the Medieval Helmet of an element that helps to save the existing unevenness inside.

Due to the existence of a history of vandalism against urban furniture, it was decided to install a video surveillance system that could protect the elements of the public road, specifically the ramps and the elevator, built in glass, that serve to access the cathedral.

The City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz contracted the services of the company PCI Security Doctors for the implementation of an access control system based on the technology of Mobotix and which is controlled by the Municipal Police.

"Several market chambers were analyzed, both analog and IP and finally we opted for the Mobotix cameras that we found appropriate for their image quality and the possibility they offer to cover large spaces with few equipment. In addition, are robust systems and have no moving parts so they have a low failure rate", comment Lorenzo González, managing partner of PCI Security Doctors.

The project to install the video surveillance system on the ramps and elevator of the Canton of the Seminary of the Medieval Helmet of Vitoria-Gasteiz has integrated the public tender by invitation, initial data collection, Plans, installation approach with number of equipment, budgeting, presentation, budget approval, order materials, installation run, commissioning, formation, delivery of work and completion.

Rubén Gómez of SPC Telecom and Novatecno has been the official distributor of the Mobotix and PCI Security Doctors cameras, the company in charge of the implementation that has consisted of the installation of four cameras on public roads, in the Medieval Hull area of the city. The area of mechanical ramps and the elevator used to save the existing slope in the medieval hull have been covered.

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By • 8 Jul, 2015
• Section: Case studies, Access control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Urban security, Video surveillance