The North American manufacturer has this utility available to its channel partners and customers, with which he demonstrated with his megapixel camera technology during the recent celebration of Ifsec 2015 in London.

Arecont Vision SurroundVideo Omni

Announced as a commitment to "reliability, quality and performance", the manufacturer Arecont Vision has its new AV-IP utility available to make it easier for its channel partners and customers to set up and update all their cameras with megapixel resolution.

Arecont Vision Ifsec2015Arecont AV-IP is a simple free tool, which can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website, that among other functions,incorporates an improved user interface; multiple detection options, including broadcast and multicast; mass update of camera hardware and firmware files.

In addition, this tool makes it easy to update camera settings, as well as the possibility to import and export the configurations of it through a .csv.

As Brad Donaldson has pointed out, Director of Product Management at Arecont Vision, during his presentation at Ifsec 2015, "We are always looking for ways to improve the customer installation and configuration experience when they are working with our cameras. With the launch of our new AV-IP utility we have taken significant steps in both the ease of installation and the operation of the ongoing camera for the installation channel".

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By • 30 Jun, 2015
• Section: Systems control, Events, Services, Video surveillance