The manufacturer has the new CC8130 network camera available(Hs), Specially designed to capture images of faces at eye level.

Vivotek CC8130-HS

The CC8130 Camera(Hs) of Vivotek It has a resolution of one megapixel at 30 Fps, 180° wide-angle lens and high bar cover, specially designed for use at eye level, which allows for clear and reliable images for facial recognition without blind spots.

With quick and easy installation, the new CC8130 networked model(Hs) Suitable for discreet indoor applications, like shops, Banks, Restaurants, small businesses and, Particularly, in ATM areas.

Vivotek CC8130-HSAs Tim Su explains, Marketing Division Director at Vivotek, "Capturing clear images of faces is one of the most critical issues in video surveillance. One solution is to mount the camera at eye level, But this increases the risk of vandalism. The CC8130(Hs) It has a discreet mounting at eye level, that allows the capture of clearer facial images than those produced by ceiling cameras, even if subjects wear hats or hoods".

This networked safety device also offers graduated and color-coded height measurements, "Both in units of the North American and metric system, to meet the needs of users around the world", this manager points out.

The camera uses H.264 compression technology, to reduce file sizes and conserve bandwidth, in addition to the multilingual recording software of 32 ST7501 channels.

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By • 19 Jun, 2015
• Section: Deep down, Video surveillance