Using digitek's primion access control system, 17 Blue Space centres have been equipped with an access control system that allows to manage the openings and closures of the doors as well as the alarms.

Primion Digitek at Blue Space

The Spanish multinational Azkoyen has installed, through primion Digitek, access security controls in 14.500 storage doors Blue Space, company specializing in the self-storage sector.

Primion Digitek at Blue SpaceThe system allows you to control the openings and closings of the doors as well as manage the alarms. When a door is opened or unauthorized access occurs, the system sends alerts to the plant, determined by the customer, or the police station. Also a single administrator can, from your smartphone, tablet or computer control and know what's going on in all the centers that use the Digitek primion system.

Digitek is a company, belonging to the Primion Group, dedicated to design, manufacturing, marketing and maintenance of access control solutions, timetable, presence and security. Its anti-intrusion system for warehouses and storage rooms allows you to control the opening and condition of the doors. It emits a radio signal to a centralized management system when a door is opened without the authorized user's access code and a radio signal if attempts to disassemble the door control system.

Primion Digitek at Blue Space

The solution includes a DAC door state transmitter and detector (Door Access Control), a signal receiver (Until 2.000 simultaneous signals) and a bridge controller with Evalos-Bluespace software.

Primion Digitek at Blue SpaceThis is the first project in storage rooms that the Azkoyen Group has carried out using the Digitek primion system and which presents as advantages its low cost, after-sales service and wireless technology.

In total, these access controls have been installed in 17 Blue Space centers, 8 in Madrid (Alcalá, Alcorcón, Atocha, Barajas, Barrio Salamanca, Bravo Murillo, Leganés) And 9 in Barcelona (Badalona, Cornella, El Prat, Hospitalet, The Machinist, Montcada, Rambla Guipuzcoa, Sant Just, Les Corts), the most significant being those of San Just, Barrio Salamanca and Bravo Murillo.

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By • 16 Jun, 2015
• Section: Alarms, Case studies, Access control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Detection, Intrusion