The new AHD technology (analog high definition, Anglo-Saxon acronym), developed by Nextchip is especially suitable for those security installations that have conventional analog cameras and need to expand the system gradually and without added costs.

Nextchip AHD Euroma

Developed by Korean Component Manufacturer Nextchip, represented in Spain by Euroma, AHD technology is an open system that allows the sending of analog HD or Full HD signals (720p /1,080p) via coaxial cable and UTP.

Thanks to this hybrid system, the system supports conventional analog and AHD cameras on the same equipment, so that the customer can use their old devices and gradually expand. Advanced Y/C separation system and signal filtering technology allow the image captured by the devices to have an effective noise reduction.

Camtronics IRCAM-AH150 EuromaAHD technology does not require special cables, as it supports coaxial cable (Rg) and twisted pair cable (utp), with transmission of up to 500 Meters.

The company Camtronics, whose products also market Euroma on the Spanish market, has camera models for AHD technology, like DM-AH100, IRCam, AF150 and IRCam AH-150, With 1,3 megapixelex, resolution of 720 at 960p, infrared lighting and protection level IP66, that allow to be visualized as conventional analogs making the change in the OSD.

Added to this is the four-input VR35AHD digital recorder, that supports real-time AHD camera recording, as well as VGA and HDMI with Full HD display. This system also operates with cloud technology, easily accessing the recorder without opening the ports, as well as major mobile operatives (ios, Android, Windows Mobile, Symbian, Etc) to perform remote monitoring.


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By • 16 Jun, 2015
• Section: Deep down, Systems control