Lenel's comprehensive OnGuard security management platform has been reviewed and versioned 7.0 features have been included that optimize their performance and expand their integration with third parties.

Lenel OnGuard 7.0

With the version 7.0 By OnGuard, Lenel Systems Inernational delivers the next generation of its security management platform with a number of improvements including faster performance in enterprise environments, as well as new features and certifications for end users.

OnGuard is a solution for integrating access control systems and video surveillance management (Vms) based on an open architecture that forms a robust solution for corporate applications. La escalabilidad de su diseño permite su implantación en empresas que comienzan con una pequeña infraestructura de control de acceso y puede crecer a medida que la empresa incrementa su presencia a nivel global.

Lenel OnGuard 7.0With the addition of intrusion signal monitoring and its advanced graphical user interface, OnGuard provides video verification of alarms, increasing the likelihood of intrusion detection and disruption of attacks on protected infrastructure.

OnGuard's portfolio of applications, includes access control, issuing and managing ID credentials, alarm monitoring, digital video management, content analysis, Biometrics, intrusion detection, visitor management, smart cards and the ability to integrate with a multitude of third-party systems.

OnGuard delivers unlimited growth within an integrated software solution. It has been designed to meet the needs of companies of any size, either in those where an entry level of two readers is required, to a large corporation with numerous branches and thousands of readers located around the world. OnGuard supports an unlimited number of readers, alarm points and cardholder.

Integration with third parties

Lenel's principle for product development is based on the ability to be added to the various existing systems to operate in an integrated manner.

As a result of a new service-oriented architecture (Soa), the Lenel OnGuard platform 7.0 offers cardhabent replication almost in time, providing a significant increase in speed that directly benefits the largest and most globally distributed users. Cardholder updates are automatically delivered to your target in seconds when changes are made.

In the version 7.0 By OnGuard 7.0 integration with UTC Building solutions has also been optimized & Industrial Systems including Edwards EST3 safety control platform, and interlogix TruVisi digital and NVR video vcrs.

OnGuard Features 7.0

  • Archived in a secondary database.
  • Improved usability of FIFO alarm monitoring and management.
  • Hyperlinks with alarm recognition instruction.
  • Support for Assa Abloy Aperio.
  • Integration with Allegion Schlage AD-400 Wireless and Edge Evo access control solutions.

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By • 21 Jan, 2015
• Section: Alarms, Access control, Detection, Intrusion, Computer security, Video surveillance