The dinion IP ultra camera 8000 Bosch MP captures moving images with 4K resolution, Supporting, Simultaneously, Wide-angle view and multiple focus points on a single screen. This allows you to focus on the details without losing sight.

Bosch Diniion IP ultra 8000

With the Dinion IP ultra camera 8000 Mp, Bosch offers the latest 4K ultra HD technology for video surveillance environments where wide-angle lenses are required but with a high level of detail. Your resolution of 12 Megapixel (4K ultra HD) Allows detailed visualization of any object, with great image quality even when zooming in.

A team that provides the clarity needed for the collection of evidence and safety evidence required for a detailed and effective retrospective analysis; and that it is ideal for policing a crowd, such as a football stadium, and provide sufficient detail to identify particular individuals.
Capturing images of 12 megapixel at the rate of 20 Frames per second and 4K Ultra HD images at 30 images per second, DIinion IP ultra camera 8000 MP captures fast-moving objects in detail.

The Multiple Regions of Interest (Regions of Interest, Roi) in combination with intelligent ROI tracking, They help you focus on the relevant details without losing the overview or objects of interest in the wide-angle scene. Any disturbances caused by front or backlight fluctuations are eliminated thanks to Bosch's unique built-in intelligence.

Intelligent Auto Exposure Technology (iAE) Dynamically adjusts the camera's exposure to adapt to changing light conditions, providing a perfect display of objects of interest at any time of the day. This technology also contributes to the camera's dynamic range, which has 92 + 16 Db, making a total of 108 dB in 4K ultra HD mode.

Bosch Diniion IP ultra 8000

Intelligent video analysis

Another differentiating feature of the Dinion IP ultra 8000 MP is intelligent video analytics (Vat) Integrated. The camera's ability to capture images with a resolution of 12 megapixels or 4K ultra HD, combined with VAT, It offers the ideal solution for a very detailed and effective retrospective analysis.

VAT helps you focus on relevant situations by alerting you when needed or keeping track of objects of interest automatically. It also gives meaning and structure to video data by adding metadata already in the camera. This allows for quick retrieval of relevant images from between hours of stored video.

To reduce storage costs and bandwidth, The camera features the Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction system (iDNR). The strength of this technology is that bandwidth is only used when it is needed. When there is little or no movement, lower bitrate required.

The iDNR actively analyzes the scene, differentiating between relevant information, as moving objects, and the noise artifacts in the image. The degree of noise reduction is adjusted accordingly, so that important objects are captured and image noise artifacts are suppressed, thus optimizing the bitrate of the camera. In this way, Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction saves up to 50% bitrate, Storage & Bandwidth, without compromising video quality.

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By • 16 Dec, 2014
• Section: Detection, Video surveillance