Lilin has signed an agreement to integrate its Covert IPC0122 hidden camera with Argos Global's safety arches and antennas. The objective is to offer an anti-theft and video surveillance solution for the retail sector with new functionalities such as visual incident registration and facial identification.

Argos Global

The company Argos Global develops and integrates physical and virtual access control systems. It also has its Global Guard solution, an anti-theft system with video surveillance that incorporates security cameras on the pedestals and antennas and that is designed for applications in the retail sector.

Lilin IPC0122The system resulting from the union of Argos Global's Global Guard solutions and the IP cameras of Lilin will provide important advantages over conventional anti-theft and video surveillance systems such as the visual recording of all incidents, ease of facial identification of the theft or recording of the employee and transactions that occur in the POS or cash line, reducing the rate of internal theft.

This alliance will provide customers of both companies with an IP security solution that will allow the integration of hidden IP cameras in the traditional security arches of establishments in the retail sector. In addition to this integration, Argos Global will add Lilin IP solutions to its product portfolio.

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By • 17 Nov, 2014
• Section: Access control, Detection, Business, Video surveillance