Antequera and Atocha's Regulatory and Control Centers will optimize their control systems, monitoring and communications thanks to Da Vinci's integration, platform that has been developed by Indra in collaboration with Adif.

CRC Madrid

Adif has awarded Indra the implementation of the Da Vinci technology platform in the Antequera-Granada high-speed line, which has a length of 125.7 km, for the management and regulation of rail traffic.

This project awarded to Indra has an amount of 984.275,8 euro and will provide the Regulatory and Control Centres with (Crc) Antequera and Atocha of the Da Vinci platform, that integrates all control systems, supervision and communications necessary to manage and control the railway operation of the Antequera-Granada high-speed line.

The Da Vinci system, Adif's intellectual property, integrates centralized traffic control, fixed communications and GSM-R, Signaling, security systems, planning and regulation systems, energy remote control, video surveillance and control of station facilities and infrastructure.

CRC Antequera

The Da Vinci system

The Da Vinci system, developed by Indra in collaboration with Adif, is the result of a strong investment in R&D&I and the work of 150 people for four years. It is a platform that integrates and automates all the processes and systems that make up a railway network.

Among the features it incorporates, Da Vinci offers a simulation environment that integrates all the elements of the network, from the signalling system to the power system, as well as interlocks, Etcs, Trains... An environment prepared for user training, Operators, capacity planning and testing of plans.

Command post in Est. by Atocha. 11 2009.The system calls for the integration of all remote control systems (Interlocks, Energy, Ertms, Detectors), exploitation planning, a real-time circulation tracking system, future predictions of traffic status, automatic train routing, geographic information system, sending slogans to machinists, aid to traffic regulation, Statistics, information to the traveler, canon billing, simulation and reconstruction of past events. It also allows information and remote monitoring of all systems to be disseminated over the Internet.

This platform is implemented in the Spanish high-speed network, feve's, the Medellin metro, where from 2005 controls both traffic and other systems associated with this metro network, the London Underground (Metronet) And, also manages Morocco's rail traffic.

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By • 22 Oct, 2014
• Section: Systems control, Detection, Infrastructure, Urban security, Video surveillance