Tyco Integrated Fire & Security has appointed Juan Yera AS for Iberia, who will have as a responsibility to continue consolidating the results of the company's operations in Spain and Portugal.

Juan Yera CEO Tyco IberiaAs CEO for the Iberian Peninsula, Juan Yera will be responsible for managing and strengthening the leadership of Tyco Integrated Fire & Security in the security market, to continue to grow and deliver greater value to their customers, in residential security markets, Retail, large companies and public administration.

Juan Yera will also be in charge of continuing the implementation of the sustainable growth strategy that the company has long developed. One of its main challenges will be to strengthen and expand Tyco's position as a provider of integrated solutions for high-security markets, integrated systems, critical infrastructure and retail.

Juan Yera holds a degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and an MBA from Cesem Madrid. He has extensive experience of 20 years in managing and managing sales organizations in complex technical markets, focused mainly on achieving organic growth in both turnover and profit. He also has extensive experience in the area of commercial development, change management and transformation initiatives designed to improve business effectiveness.

Before joining Tyco, Yera held various positions of responsibility at Honeywell, as Vice President of Sales at Honeywell Scanning and Mobility for Emeia and Vice President of Sales at Honeywell ADI Global for Emea.

Previously, worked for more than 15 years at Intermec Technologies, where he was also in charge of the company for the Emea region as vice president and general manager, taking charge of 10 subsidiaries and more than 400 Employees, and previously as CEO for the Iberia region. Previously he held different technical and operations management positions at Tandy Grid, Victor Technologies and Datatronic Technologies.

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By • 2 Oct, 2014
• Section: Business, Video surveillance