Providers specializing in digivod and Arteco security video management software have signed partnerships with Canon during the recent Security Essen celebration 2014 to provide integrated and flexible video surveillance solutions for all types of companies.

Arteco Security Essen 2014

Within the framework of Security Essen 2014, recently held in the German city of Essen, Canon has signed partnerships with Arteco, Italian video event management software provider (VEMS) for the security industry, And digivod, German video management software specialist (Vms).

These agreements are based on the integration of the respective video management systems across Canon's range of IP video surveillance cameras to provide security solutions to companies of all sizes, from small businesses to large-scale security operators.

Video event management software (VEMS) Arteco Logic Next simplifies the integration process with third parties and supports a wide variety of input and output devices, allowing the security system to incorporate monitoring of different actions, such as opening barriers or closing doors.

An optimized user interface will also help users clearly monitor and identify critical and relevant events, such as illegally entering an area or breaching the protective perimeter.

Canon Ifsec 2013Giampaolo Sabbatini, CEO of Arteco, has been pleased by "the opportunity to collaborate with Canon by integrating its high-quality cameras with our competitive video management software, Arteco Logic NEXT, added to this its global distribution capacity, your professional sales force and your established reputation, that make this company an ideal strategic partner with which to continue to serve our customers and partners around the world".

In the case of the digivod solution, the canon deal will improve its powerful set of intelligent analytical functions, based on self-learning, including different filters to classify identified objects.

Digivod's video management software supports cameras with up to 8 allows Canon customers to incorporate license plate recognition into their security systems. The optional function identifies characters from a font size of 16 detects alphanumeric characters in the four most common alphabets (Latin, Arabic, Cyrillic and Chinese). Once activated, security systems can be configured to trigger an alarm when certain license plates are detected.

Canon VB-H43As Karsten Fourmont has pointed out, CEO of digivod, "our customers need tailor-made security solutions, according to your needs. In order to meet these expectations, we are happy to collaborate with Canon to access its high-quality lens technology and provide a simple solution, flexible and reliable".

In this line, Julian Rutland, planning and strategy director of Canon Europe, stressed after the signing of these partnerships that "working with key partners to provide security solutions tailored to our customers' needs is a central part of our strategy. We are delighted to announce these partnerships that will allow us to combine a simple security option, simple and economical, offering a complete package for advanced video event management and intelligent analytics".

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By • 1 Oct, 2014
• Section: Systems control, Events, Business, Video surveillance