Vitelsa's proposed solution to optimize the Teide Cable Car safety system revolves around Xtream's Broadview software. A tool that allows monitoring and management, from a single control center, of all video surveillance and recording solutions, both the stations and the tour towers.

Vitelsa securiza Teleferico Teide

The Teide Peak Cable Car is located in teide National Park (Canary Islands) and is considered the highest in Spain, as it ascends from the base station located at the foot of the volcano to La Rambleta located at 163 meters from the top (its total height 3.718 Meters).

The public company Teleférico del Pico de Teide, responsible for its operation and maintenance, has launched a macro project to renovate all its facilities including the modernization of security management, both in the stations and in the towers of the tour, which is of great relevance due to the frequent inclement weather that the area suffers and that make it difficult to monitor.

Vitelsa securiza Teleferico TeideVitelsa has been selected to design and implement the comprehensive facility safety management system, decisive factors for its awarding the company's experience in the application of advanced security technologies.

At the heart of the proposed solution has been the Broadview softwre of Xtream, that facilitates the comprehensive management of procedures on security systems: Cctv, access control, perimeter control, fire protection, Intrusion, Etc. Its natural scope is large-area environments or traffic, providing a centralized and global interface to operators with all the information and alarms coming from safety subsystems of different manufacturers, making it easier for security managers to make decisions.

Vitelsa securiza Teleferico TeideVitelsa's proposed technology solution enables monitoring and management, from a single control center, of all video surveillance and recording systems from various manufacturers already installed, both at the departure and arrival stations and in the tour towers. The solution also integrates both IP and analog camcorders, monetizing the equipment already installed and facilitating its progressive modernization.

Broadview also manages the recording system to control the recording of the signal from the cameras present in the route. The system allows operators, in view of an incident, make the decision to monitor it, record or document it for further analysis, achieving greater operational efficiency. These signals are also transcoded to a low quality format to facilitate their safe transmission over the customer's extranet. In this way, remote and securized tracking of any of the cameras on the route is possible if necessary.

Vitelsa securiza Teleferico TeideThe implemented solution also allows future integration of alarms from other security and access control devices, combining information into a unique operator interface.

Broadview is able to implement automated surveillance and emergency protocols, being able to intelligently interpret the alarms (or combination of them) coming from different safety subsystems. It also offers several management modules, which makes it easily scalable allowing it to adapt to the needs of the user at all times and integrate new devices in the future, facilitating the maintenance and updating of systems.

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By • 23 Sep, 2014
• Section: Alarms, Case studies, Access control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Intrusion, Computer security, Video surveillance