The SurroundVideo IP camera developed by Arecont Video offers 12 megapixels of image resolution and a 360o viewing angle, with upper area coverage even in difficult lighting conditions for numerous safety applications, both indoors and outdoors.

Arecont Vision SurroundVideo 12MP

The provider of network video surveillance systems Arecont Vision has announced the availability of its SurroundVideo network camera, offering an image resolution of 12 and 360º panoramic view with Wide Dynamic Range (WDC), for versatile application in indoor and outdoor security (with IP66 protection and resistant IK10 housing).

Discreet and compact design, complements the camera AV12186DN, with 180º coverage, that the company introduced last year to offer full coverage in numerous application environments, as it has been shown these days in the ISC West contest 2014 held in Las Vegas.

Arecont Vision SurroundVideoArecont Vision's WDR technology offers a dynamic range of up to 100 dB at full resolution without lowering the frame rate per second. By combining long and short exposures in the same field of view, WDR maximizes the amount of detail in light and dark areas of a scene, with improved performance up to 50 Db (300X) compared to other chambers on the market.

SurroundVideo has four image sensors of 3 megapixels each, which in turn provide 2,048×1.536 Pixels, to a total resolution of 8,192×1.536 Pixels, To which are added infrared filters that optimize the performance of the camera in difficult light conditions.

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By • 14 Apr, 2014
• Section: Deep down, Events, Video surveillance