The Directorate-General of Police has decided to test the possibilities that Google smart glasses can offer agents in their day-to-day operations to protect citizens, as part of its transformation project called Police 3.0.

Google Glass Address General Police

Live viewing of the nearest video surveillance cameras, capturing images and videos, quick database consultation, access to 'Street View' or instant information on the availability of support units and services are some of the advantages that could benefit and improve the daily and investigational operation of police patrols in Spain thanks to the Google Glass.

This has been seen by the Director General of the Police himself., Ignacio Cosidó (pictured), and some Corps agents, who has been interested in the possibilities offered by these smart glasses in the security sector and state forces, and that would be part of the Police strategic plan 3.0, that aims to transform into a more effective and efficient intelligent security force with the help of new technologies.

Smart security

Google Glass Address General Police

The Police project 3.0 is implementing a quality-oriented security management model and optimization in human resources allocation, material and economic. As noted in the communiqué of the Directorate-General of police, this efficient management requires a progressive adaptation of material means and infrastructure to the demands of renewal, adequacy and modernization available to the National Police Corps.

Google Glass policeUnder this goal of modernization and adaptation, the Directorate-General of Police has been interested in the operational and investigative advantages that Google Glass would bring in areas of citizen security, Judicial Police and even Scientific Police, where it would facilitate recognition, recording and collating evidence in eye inspections.

From applications developed by Spanish companies, as is the case with Droiders, Google Glass could integrate facial recognition tools, police background databases and data files, criminal regulation information, police and acting protocol, vehicle management, among other developments, as has been shown in other sectors where smart glasses are already being applied, like in medicine, Disability, Fire, Etc.

Google GlassThe tests being carried out would allow a device to be attached to the officers' glasses to record incidents that occur during an intervention and even its direct display in other police units, so that the safety and integrity of agents and citizens would be significantly improved, in addition to improving response time in all types of incidents.

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By • 30 Jan, 2014
• Section: Communications, Test equipment, Computer security, Urban security, Services