The Sony CH160 and CH120 cameras have been the systems chosen by LG Networks to implement the CCTV solution in the Renault Trucks network.

Sony Safety at Renault Trucks

Renault Trucks Silver in Essex (United Kingdom) has installed a complete IP CCTV surveillance system on its current network to protect its properties and vehicles located on the premises. The company has been in charge of carrying out this project LG Networks who has chosen the security cameras Sony CH120 and CH160 for its realization.

Renault Trucks Essex had long experienced problems of unauthorized entry into its premises that resulted in theft of vehicle parts and property damage..

"We wanted a system that would deter potential intruders from entering and provide us with the necessary image quality in court.. Another important objective was to check and verify the condition of the vehicles when they entered the plant., which allows us to resolve possible disagreements with the client about the moment in which the damages have occurred and eliminates much of the subjectivity of the process", comments Paul Ayer, Head of After-Sales Service at Renault.

Sony SNC-CH160Sony CH160 and CH120 cameras

LG Networks experts recommended Sony IP cameras as a fundamental part of the project. The CCTV solution, fully integrated, incorporates six Sony CH160 cameras installed around the perimeter of the building to cover the parking areas and entrance doors.

"Sony cameras offer excellent night vision and we didn't need to install more light to get the images we needed., even though the outside is not well lit at night", explains Stuart Smallcombe, Chief Operating Officer of LG Networks.

Sony SNC-CH120Inside the enclosure, CH120 cameras provide images of the reception and repair stations of the workshops.
LG Networks has a long relationship with Renault Trucks Essex, to those who had already installed the phone system. "We deploy IP networks and a camera is simply a device that connects to the edge of those networks.. Although we come from the world of voice over IP systems, an IP camera is not much different. We had to understand how the cameras fit into the recording part of the material and learn how to locate them., to take into account the viewing angles and that kind of thing", clarifies Smallcombe.

At the Essex plant, recordings are saved on a server with Windows operating system. "For large installations we tend to use a Sony NSR 500, as it offers a better cost solution for cameras and storage needs, and includes other features that make it easy to use. We also included in the package a free iPad with the Sony application installed to provide remote access to the images recorded and captured in real time", continues Smallcombe.

Sony security cameras

This safety infrastructure has not only been carried out at the Renault Trucks Essex plant but the project has also been extended to the london centres., Felixstowe, Northampton and Exeter.

The new CCTV system delivers the right message to each recipient. In the case of intruders, warns that the property is protected and its movements are being monitored. In the case of customers, shows them the value Renault places on their business.

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By • 8 Nov, 2013
• Section: Case studies, Communications, Computer security, Video surveillance