Vasco Data Security's authentication and electronic signature solutions have been incorporated into the offer of the wholesaler Westcon, specialized in security, communications and infrastructure, in Spain and Portugal.

Westcon and Data Vasco SecurityThe wholesaler Westcon and the multinational security software company Vasco Data Security have signed a strategic alliance for the commercialization in the markets of Spain and Portugal of the authentication and electronic signature solutions of the latter.

With this agreement, Westcon adds to its security portfolio one of the leading manufacturers of authentication and electronic signature solutions. Specifically, wholesalers' partners will have access to next-generation solutions to verify the identity of the registered user with Vasco's Digipass technology; as well as secure transactions or messages with digital signature and PKI technology for the protection of your business or business processes.

Westcon and Vasco Data SecurityAs first steps, Vasco and Westcon have designed a business plan that includes different joint actions for the recruitment of partners, channel development and training in its technologies. To do this, during the coming months different technical and commercial activities will be organized in the main cities of the Iberian Peninsula; to which it is added that Vasco will support its business partners with technical and commercial training online and on site, and offer marketing support to its key partners.

Basque, based in Chicago, is a company that operates worldwide, that offers its technology to a customer base of some 10.000 companies in more than one hundred countries, including more than 1.700 international financial institutions. The goal of the agreement with Westcon is to expand, specialise and increase its network of partners in Iberia to strengthen its position in the market.

Vasco Data SecurityJan Valcke, President and COO of Vasco Data Security, has pointed out that "this alliance allows us to cover the Spanish and Portuguese market more efficiently. Together with Westcon we will offer our leading system integrators and value resellers more flexible solutions, effective and affordable throughout the region".

For its part, the incorporation of Vasco solutions to Westcon's security offer "allows us to offer distributors and integrators a complete range of authentication solutions to respond to the growing demands of its users-underlines Borja Moreno, general manager Westcon Iberia-. Thanks to this agreement, Vasco partners will be able to count on our pre-sale services, formation, product demonstrations and development of marketing actions, as well as with a dedicated team within our security business unit".

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By • 29 Oct, 2013
• Section: Access control, Business, Networks, Computer security