implements video surveillance cameras M24M-Sec of MOBOTIX in the Azores islands to capture web images of the area in real time and strengthen its business.

Mobotix M24M-Sec is a portal, owned by the company Synonymous Radical, which aims to disseminate real-time images of the different tourist attractions of the Azores Islands. In addition to the images, They also advertise cultural events, as well as different leisure and sports activities and have real-time images of the area, Where you can check even for weather is a key element of your business.

To expand your activity, Advertising-oriented, and get more information about the area, decided to implant cameras that could capture the images they needed. And, para llevar a cabo el proyecto eligieron los servicios de Optivisus, Partner Luxo de Mobotix, who opted for M24M-Sec cameras as they were best suited to the specific operational requirements of, since they do not need maintenance and can withstand temperatures from -30 ° to 60 ° C, as well as humidity and saltpeter.

The Mobotix M24M-Sec security camera offers a resolution of 2048×1536 Megapixels and digital zoom, while in VGA resolution (640×480) Capture 30 images per second.

A total of 13 cameras distributed between the island of São Miguel and the Azores, which have been located in communication towers, Church towers and lamp posts. Each of the most emblematic places in the area has an M24M-Sec camera.

Its resistance has already been tested after the passage of hurricanes Gordon and Nadine, that reached winds of between 90 To 150 Km/h.

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By • 11 Sep, 2013
• Section: Case studies, Video surveillance