Siemens Security Products has developed a new range of intrusion detectors that incorporate its new dual-mirror Magic mirror technology, which allows double reflection of infrared beams.

Siemens Magic MirrorThe new Magic mirror instruction detectors, developed by the Security Products division of Siemens, establish new benefits in sensitivity benefits and rejection of false alarms in business facilities.

These systems incorporate the technology of the same name -Magic mirror- double mirror, which provides important advances thanks to the concept of double reflection of infrared beams (Go), that allow an extra-slim design of the detector, as well as high and uniform sensitivity throughout the detection field.

The new range of security detectors consists of eight models, with versions for 12 And 18 meters of range, with and without anti-masking, so it is very difficult to identify this type of device for a possible intruder.

Magic mirror detectors have Grade certificates 2 And 3 according to EN-50131, and have a very low consumption, which allows to optimize the autonomy of the system provided by the batteries in case of power failure.

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By • 29 May, 2013
• Section: Test equipment, Intrusion