The Digital Video Manager surveillance system (Dvm) Honeywell R500 Helps Improve Safety Operations, Threat Detection and Forensic Operations with Intelligent Diagnostics.

DVM R500

The latest edition of the digital closed-circuit television surveillance system, Digital Video Manager (Dvm) R500 Honeywell Sets new standards for operational efficiency, Value for money and performance with intelligent diagnostics, Forensic search capabilities and enhanced integration with access control.

Honeywell DVM R500One of the most visible improvements to DVM R500 is its new user interface, Designed with more intuitive and streamlined navigation to reduce response times in safety-threatening situations, as well as training costs.

DVM R500 incorporates intelligent diagnostic modules that analyze system operations to help safety operators quickly process activity reports, Run system diagnostics and check system performance and health.

This is how one of DVM's customers explains it, the Hobart Museum of New and Old Art (Australia), in the words of your security manager, Ken Yildiran: "It's one of the most dynamic and easy-to-use systems I've ever seen. Analysis and reporting that would normally take four to five hours is done in a matter of minutes, so operators can focus on other critical tasks.".

Honeywell DVM R500New Recording and Playback Capabilities, along with the new interface, Help security personnel quickly locate potential threats and react quickly. In addition, by having several views coordinated over time, These tools reduce forensic investigation times.

Some features of DVM R500 are synchronized and instant playback of various cameras; Motion search and detection in a selected area marked for review, and image scroller to quickly locate critical incidents and footage.

DVM R500 is also an integral component of the Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator (Ebi), A building management system integrates all the elements of a security solution, Including video, Access Control & Intrusion Detection.

EBI provides the user with a single point of access to all the essential information and resources needed to monitor, Manage and secure a single or multi-location facility, providing greater visibility and insight to security managers.

For Paul Orzeske, President, Honeywell Building Solutions, "DVM R500 helps users identify and resolve potential issues before they cause problems or damage, all while increasing ease of use and operational efficiency.".

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By • 16 May, 2013
• Section: Deep down, Communications, Systems control