The technology alliance between Pelco by Schneider Electric and Cisco is expanded again with the first IP camera compatibility certification with Cisco's Medianet intelligent media network.

Cisco PelcoPelco by Schneider Electric has achieved compatibility certification for its IP cameras in the Sarix ranges, Spectra HD, Spectra IV IP H.264, ExSite IP, Esprit IP and Sarix IT with Medianet technology Cisco Systems.

This breakthrough is another step in the technological-strategic agreement signed years ago between the two companies for the joint development of new high-definition IP cameras (Hd) based on Pelco technology.

Cisco Medianet is a multimedia-optimized intelligent network that integrates advanced technologies and devices to increase the potential of large business videosecurity solutions, consumers and service providers.

Cisco PelcoMedianet's benefits include lower operating costs in simplified video terminal installations and faster incidents or breakdowns of video applications, as well as improving business decision-making to avoid unnecessary bandwidth updates.

This certification adds value for Pelco by Schneider Electric IP cameras, that in addition to a quick and easy installation, add to this intelligent network the quality of QoS services.

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By • 15 May, 2013
• Section: Communications, Services, Video surveillance