Iberia, AENA and Panasonic Toughbook have presented at the T4 Madrid-Barajas the project of digitization and mobility for airport management in all its phases, that make this airport the first hub in the world where mobility is a cross-cutting element in all the airline's processes.

Panasonic Iberia

The T4 Madrid-Barajas has deployed cross-cutting mobility and digitization solutions for all ramp services, from the maintenance of the aircraft to the coordination of all the work necessary for the departure of flights, the result of technological collaboration between Iberia, Aena And Panasonic Toughbook.

This new airport management plan is based on the use of mobile devices in all its phases, as part of the company's strategic plan - the Agora project- to increase efficiency, punctuality and customer service, that make the T4 the world's first hub where mobility is a cross-cutting element of all airport management.

Panasonic IberiaDimitris Bountolos, Iberia's deputy director of coordination and hub, says that "this airport moves in a digital environment 24×7, with an identity similar to that of our customers being always connected. That is why our processes must be adapted to this reality that, in our case, it's a real airport management revolution and a milestone in this industry".

Real-time information and efficiency

In this sense, Iberia has developed the applications accessed from Panasonic Toughbook devices, division specializing in robust mobile device solutions for businesses, that facilitate and improve efficiency all processes "with real-time information, speed of execution and decision-making", Bountolos points out.

Panasonic IberiaThese ramp service applications include aircraft maintenance applications; refuelling and reviewing support teams; baggage management (on the dock and in flight loading/unloading); coordination of all tasks for flight departure (Load, Catering,...) and melt it, with full traceability of all processes.

Thanks to the use of these mobile devices "employees will have real-time information on the entire operation, possible incidents may be anticipated, improve the management of available resources and, especially, reduce the execution time of assigned tasks, with the consequent improvement in the quality of customer service", explains Iberia's manager.

Among the benefits of this transformation to mobility, Bountolos highlights efficiency in all processes around the aircraft, with vital information in real time; improving punctuality and paper suppression throughout the ramp operation (around 12,2 Tons).

Bountolos says that "no other handling operator had so far deployed cross-cutting mobility solutions for all ramp services".

Panasonic Iberia

Safety and high endurance

As Francesc Castro points out, Panasonic Toughbook country manager for Spain and Portugal, "this project has been a major challenge because of the complexity of the environment, with the development of technologies and applications that bring value and that have placed Iberia and AENA as global pioneers in the implementation of mobility solutions throughout their management".

Panasonic IberiaAmong the requirements that this technology partner has met on their devices were maximum readability and vision on screens (full HD, with reinforced glass, transflective and IPS technology) robustness of the team (IP65 protection certificate); longer battery life; ergonomics for workplace use (with adapted covers and accessories that allow the mobility of the employee); barcode reading; 3G and WiFi connectivity and Android system, Windows,...

Panasonic Toughbook has supplied some two hundred equipment from the CF-19 models (roaring computers) and FZ-A1 (Tablets). Intelligent equipment management cabinets with RFID tags have also been arranged to make each device available in autonomy to its respective employee, accessing it with your NFC chip card.

As far as safety is concerned, in addition to the employee's login, each device has three levels of encryption and GPS, remote management from the control and deactivation unit if any anomalies are detected. All employees have received training courses and in a few months will be 100 percent operational.

"The added value of this project," explains Bountolos- it's the software, developed by Iberia's systems management and in collaboration with partners, with their own applications for each of the airport management phases, that we are now evolving into mobility and that we will be able to move to other airports, as a local business case, studying every need".

Panasonic Iberia

Agora Project 3.0

The Agora project, running up to 2015 in collaboration with AENA, is based on three vertebral axes within the complex ecosystem of airport management: increase punctuality, efficiency and speed of execution and excellence in the quality of customer service "to place the T4 of Barajas among the great hubs of the world", Bountolos stresses.

This transformation of Iberia's business "has as an engine of change and a key part of the project employees," this manager stresses., who have participated through all Iberia divisions in the 'Putting the Heart on the T4' campaign over the past year working cross-cuttingly with the company and technology partners".

There are currently more than a hundred initiatives underway in Agora to improve processes and customer service, like virtual agents; screens to guide billing and waiting row management displays; the new application of check-in kiosks; control of meal bonuses through PDA or crew monitoring also via PDA, Etc.

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By • 9 May, 2013
• Section: Case studies, Communications, Systems control, Test equipment, Infrastructure, Services