The manufacturer of intercom and security systems Aiphone, represented in Spain by Optimus, has developed the JM video intercom series, To perform hotel access control, Hospitals, Industries,...

Aiphone JMThe new JM video door entry system series from the Japanese manufacturer Aiphone, whose products it markets on the Spanish market Optimus, feature a large 7" LCD touchscreen, which allows both the visualization of the access, with wide-angle camera (170ºx100º) such as direct and intuitive interaction for control and programming.

This system incorporates the advanced features of Aiphone's latest ranges of video intercoms, as automatic or manual recording, digital zoom or the possibility of remote control of the cameras on the access plates, among others.

The JM video door entry controls up to four entrances with audio, Video & Remote Door Opening, that generate calls to a maximum of eight indoor control stations with color monitor and communication, Hands-free or private, with telephone handset.

Control stations allow general calling and selective intercommunication between them. Access plates, vandal-proof and environmentally friendly, They come in recessed and surface-mounted versions, with automatic illumination.

The Japanese manufacturer has completed this range of audio and video access control with the AX series, that allows the control of up to 120 Access, and the IS series for high-capacity systems over IP.

Aiphone JM

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By • 26 Apr, 2013
• Section: Deep down, Access control