The new Sarix IL cameras 10 Series de Pelco by Schneider Electric, in box and minidome format offer IP video surveillance in high definition to SMEs.

Pelco Dome Sarix IL10Pelco by Schneider Electric has presented the first models of Sarix IL cameras 10 Series, in box and minidome format, of what will be the IP Sarix Value range, composed of fifty fixed IP devices that the company will put on the market for 2013.

Designed to meet the security needs of small and medium-sized businesses across multiple industries, the IL series 10 is easy to install, Provides high-definition images, color HDTV video and contains an integrated fixed focal length lens system.

Sarix IL 10 Series consists of four indoor models that the user can quickly configure through a standard web browser, from live JPEG image capture to flicker control, positioning, Etc.

Pelco Sarix IL10The cameras support up to two simultaneous streams of compressed video in H.264 format, thus optimizing the video stream to achieve higher image quality, bandwidth and storage. Additionally, Supports text over the image showing the camera name, the time and date.

Among the main benefits of these devices is intelligent energy management, eliminating the need for standalone power supplies and cables via PoE-enabled network switches or power injectors.

These devices easily connect to IP video management systems Pelco by Schneider Electric, to hybrid video management systems or those of other manufacturers through the API of Pelco by Schneider Electric, also supporting the Onvig Profile S standard.

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By • 19 Apr, 2013
• Section: Deep down, Video surveillance