Motorola's new TETRA radio system incorporates a five-megapixel camera along with the PICS solution (Photograph and Intelligence Communications System) that allows you to manage, authenticate and share images.

Motorola MTP6750Motorola has incorporated a camera into the TETRA MTP6550 radio system, which in its camera version will be renamed MTP6750. The possibility of collecting images at the same time as an incident will allow additional evidence to be available at the time of a trial.

The new TETRA MTP6750 features a five-megapixel camera that together with the PICS solution (Photograph and Intelligence Communications System) allows you to manage, sharing and verifying the authenticity of the collected images. The system allows to verify that the image has not undergone any modification thus ensuring its validity as evidence in a trial.

On the other hand, thanks to the MTP6000 Radio Series platform, the new system has numerous connectivity options, from Bluetooth to Multi-Slot Packet Data as well as support for TEDS (TETRA Enhanced Data Services) that allows the immediate and safe sending of the collected images. In addition, Motorola has improved the range of these equipment by up to a 14% as well as audio quality.

As for PICS, which is at the heart of the new functionality of this radio, covers three main areas. On the one hand it has a terminal manager (iTM - Integrated Terminal Management), with which radios are managed remotely; an API, that allows Mototola and its partners to integrate PICs; and an Indelible Digital Marking, that allows you to verify that the images have not been altered at any time.

Integrating image capture and processing into this TETRA radio platform will open, No doubt, a new way to integrate communications with images based on the most destructive security protocols.

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By • 26 Sea, 2013
• Section: Deep down, Communications, Test equipment