Security and home automation environments tend to an increasing technological convergence to achieve protection with guarantees in all types of facilities. This is the integrative line, available now in the Spanish market, of Iddero touchpads, automation solution provider, in the video intercar T24 of Mobotix, manufacturer of networked video surveillance systems.

Iddero HC2LThe integration of the HC2 and HC2L touch panels of Iddero, incorporating KNX technology for building automation and control, in the IP video intern T24 of Mobotix provides easier navigation by selecting touch icons, as well as high-quality digital video, door opening function (even without ongoing call and a second door), full-duplex audio and recessed assembly with different finishes to suit aesthetics.

Iddero HC2This solution contemplates two modalities of format and functions. The HC2-KNX panel, with Led TFT touch screen of 7 "in color, offers widescreen format 15:9, with integrated web server, video intercar function and display of IP cameras. The HC2L-KNX adds larger viewing area on its 10.4" touchscreen (in rectangular format 4:3), for comprehensive monitoring and control of the installation. Being based on KNX technology, from these panels you can manage lights, Blinds, Climate, technical alarms, as well as configuring time schedules, presence simulation,…

By integrating as indoor monitors for the T24 video intercar, no additional hardware or software is required, as Iddero offers firmware updates for these touch panels, with functions such as sending notifications by e-mail in case of alarm and support for all Mobotix IP cameras for viewing.

More vision and security

Mobotix T24-1

Based on VoIP/SIP videotelephony standards, the video intersporter T24 of Mobotix equips an IP camera of 3,1 megapixels with hemispherical optics, to display the entire scene in front of the installation (wall-to-wall and ceiling-to-floor, thanks to Hemispheric technology), and the selection of the image area is done without mechanical movement through the phone with the virtual PTZ.

The system also automatically records with sound what happens when the doorbell is pressed, motion is detected in the image or a contact is activated, has built-in answering function (to leave messages) and access is done without a key using PIN code or transponder with smart timer.

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By • 8 Sea, 2013
• Section: Access control, Business