Alava Engineers, company specializing in advanced public and private security technologies, has provided the Spanish Railway Infrastructure Manager with (Adif) the revolutionary open security management platform NICE Situator.

Nice SituatorADIF has relied on Alava Engineers as a supplier of security solutions. Following the deployment of your recording solution in 149 cabinets and 15 conventional line command posts throughout Spain, now is the time for monitoring such systems through the NICE Situator, a software platform that enables the most efficient alarm management, with real-time response and analysis. NICE Situator se integra con una amplia gama de sensores y sistemas de seguridad para el análisis y correlación de toda la información necesaria en las organizaciones para mejorar el conocimiento de la situación y la respuesta a los incidentes.

With the installation of NICE Situator, ADIF will be able to have a unified monitoring platform for all your recording equipment, associated power systems and other devices to be incorporated in the future. In addition to such oversight and management, NICE Situator allows ADIF staff to have in the same application all the procedures of action associated with each alert, thus optimizing their response times and the resources dedicated to this purpose.

With NICE Situator, organizations can integrate with different types of security devices and systems on a unified platform, Including: access control, video systems, intrusion perimeter sensors, location tracking (Rfid, Gps), panic buttons, environmental sensors, communication teams, and much more. Through this integration, NICE Situator is able to present a common picture of how it works, with real-time alerts and information from all the integrated systems that appears on an intuitive screen with Geopositional information (Gis), allowing security operators continuous monitoring to interact with systems, people and assets. NICE Situator also provides a framework for automating complex response workflows and standard working procedures, correlate with events.

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By • 15 Jan, 2013
• Section: General