The distributor of video surveillance products and systems, Euroma Telecom, has launched IEE's new People Counter, that determines the number of people within a specific area, detects their direction of movement and, thanks to MLI 3D Sensor technology and its ability to track and segment, provides real-time data.

people counter

Euroma Telecom, representative in Spain of the provider of systems for the detection and classification of persons Iee, has introduced the new 'People Counter' model people accountant, which offers automatic people counting for both capacity control and new smart marketing apps, allowing you to control the number of people passing through a certain location, how long they've been, Etc. The system is based on a sensor specially developed by IEE according to MLI technology (Intensity Modulated Light). This technology is based on the principle of the phase difference between the light emitted by a source and the light reflected by people and objects in the field of view, creating a real-time topography of the image.

Very demanding tests have shown that People Counter's sophisticated algorithms ensure segmentation, monitoring and counting people effectively in more than one 99 %.

The People Counter is very easy to install, is placed on the roof (embedded or shallow) in the area we want to control. During the calibration process the sensor analyzes the detection area and captures the presence of any type of object, to define the environment. Because the sensor emits its own light, performance is not influenced by artificial light, could even work in complete darkness. The computer has a TCP/IP port through which data can be communicated and analyzed. Also by this same means you can update the firmware.

The maximum occupancy level can be programmed, misguided direction indication, count in each direction, Etc. For places with multiple doors, multiple equipment can be linked to automatically control the total capacity.

people counter

Fields of action

People Counter applications are multiple:

– Controlling people's capacity: Both for places where a maximum of people are defined who can be in one place for safety reasons, as the opposite, places where a minimum capacity is needed (Laboratories, emergency services, control plants, Etc.).

– On-demand ventilation control: The number of occupants in an area is related to the ventilation or heating required, this helps optimize indoor air quality and save energy.

– Smart marketing: To study retail performance it is interesting to know the percentage of buyers among all visitors to the store.

– Wrong path detection: detect people moving against defined traffic flow, indicating with an alarm when it detects someone in the wrong direction or a potential security risk.

– Determining wait time or queue management: By installing multiple units you can control people's waiting time, or warn when the level of people increases from a certain level to expand the service of counters...

Supplied with basic software with which you can manage one or more systems, flow control in both directions, definition of maximum and minimum capacity, alarm shooting, Statistics, Averages, graphs and also, all programming tools are provided so that the developer can customize and define their own application for the specific market they want.

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By • 14 Jan, 2013
• Section: General