The manufacturer of traditional IP and CCTV video solutions for professional customers, LILIN, has won a competition to provide video surveillance cameras to the new monorail project that is being built in Daegu (South Korea).

LILIN Daegu_train

LILIN has been selected as the manufacturer of security cameras for the construction project of the third railway line in Daegu (South Korea). The 224 cámaras anti-vandálicas de LILIN IPD6222ES4.3 proporcionarán seguridad y vigilancia al nuevo monorraíl bidireccional. The fleet will be 28 Trains, and each train will carry 8 mini domes. LILIN is excited to have the opportunity to enter the railway market by participating in such a high-level project..

Construction of the Daegu Monorail began in July 2009 and is expected to end in October 2014. When it's finished, the railway line will extend from Dongho-dong, in northern Daegu, to the south, in the Beommul-dong area. The shape of the monorail was chosen for its speed of construction and lower cost.. This will be the first monorail system installed in Korea.

JinHan Teo, by LILIN Pacifico, has been very involved in this project. Satisfied with the choice of LILIN cameras for the video surveillance system of the trains, has assured: “This is an achievement for me a great achievement, as the railway market is a great reference for us , a great market for our cameras.”

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By • 7 Dec, 2012
• Section: Case studies, Urban security, Video surveillance