Euroma Telecom, distributor in Spain of the firm Camtronics, has added to its portfolio the new digital video recorder (Dvr) 82H, that improves the recording quality thanks to two inputs in Full HD quality in addition to the 8 Conventional.

blankEuroma Telecom, as a representative of the company Camtronics, has launched the new DVR of 8 Tickets + 2 HD model 82H, which offers better recording quality thanks to 2 Full HD quality inputs in addition to the 8 Conventional. New HD CCTV technology enables HD and Full HD images using conventional coaxial cable, without having to make major changes to the facilities, and without having to jump to IP technologies with what that entails. Using the HD-SDI connection it is possible to enjoy HD images as they have never been seen in the world of security before., allowing perfect identification, without annoying pixels with 'mosaic' effect.

Because cameras are somewhat more expensive than conventional ones, 'Hybrid' systems’ that combine standard inputs with high-definition inputs, They allow to place those in the critical points (Stores, Reception, Garages…) having higher resolution in the places that really matter; Achieving a more professional security system, but without making large outlays.

The 82H DVR is a new step in digital video recording in the highest resolution. The team incorporates 8 video inputs with high resolution D1 (720 X 576) in real time, but also a special input for Full HD analog cameras with a resolution of up to 1920 X 1080 Q. In this HD video input you have to use HD SDI cameras, State-of-the-art cameras that allow coaxial cable to send images of more than 1 megapixel without resorting to IP cameras. Its HDMI video output allows viewing to be done with state-of-the-art monitors (Automatic switching to monitors 16:9).

Has 8 alarm inputs to link with other alarm devices. It has a watermark for the verification of the non-manipulation of the recorded images. It has a free software (for PC and MAC) central monitoring of multiple recording units, from where we can control the alarms, the recordings that have been made as well as the display of cameras. There are also free mobile applications for viewing from mobile devices. It is supplied with a capacity of 1 Tb being able to expand up to 4 Terabytes. It has two USB ports as well as the possibility of DVDs to make backups. It has dimensions of 442 X 92 X 438 Mm.

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By • 7 Nov, 2012
• Section: General, Computer security