JVC Professional has announced the compatibility of its line of V-Series IP surveillance cameras with Video Insight's video system management system and ExacqVision VMS software.


JVC Professional has made it known that video surveillance software Video Insight now offers support for your line of IP cameras. The partnership implies that JVC IP camera users will be able to manage the cameras with Video Insight's video management software suite that provides a feature-rich VMS solution, but easy to use.

Video Insight CEO, Rob Shaw, Said: “A great force of Video Insight is our ability to support quality cameras that offer the best images. We are happy to support JVC's line of IP cameras, as it's an excellent and reputable product that works seamlessly with Video Insight software”.

For its part, John Grabowski, national sales and marketing manager of JVC's Security Division, has indicated: “In this increasingly network-focused world, it is essential that all components of a system communicate and interact harmoniously. By partnering with Video Insight, JVC customers ensure seamless integration with a leading VMS system”. Video Insight supports the following cameras from JVC's V network product line: VN-H37U, VN-H137U, VN-H237U, VN-H237VPU, VN-H57U, VN-H157WPU, VN-H257U, VN-H257VPU, VN-T16U, VN-T216U and VN-T216VPRU.

The Video Insight Software Suite is easy to use and affordable, offering a variety of features including: Mapping, a powerful web client, iPad customers, iPhone and Android; Active Directory, LDAP and Novell eDirectory integrated, centralized management, integrated failover, and technical support.

Video surveillance software directly on network cameras

Also, JVC Professional has also reported that its latest range of VN-T and VN-H IP surveillance cameras have been integrated into VMS software (video management system) ExacqVision used with hybrid NVR servers and IP cameras Exacq. The latest version of VMS ExacqVision software (Version 5) Exacq includes integration with the complete line of cash safe cameras, MINI-Dome and Full HD Dome from JVC. Model variations include day/night operation, indoor/outdoor housings, H.264 compression, backlight compensation, LEDs IR, Poe, resistance to vandalism and resistance to dust and water.

John Grabowski, national sales and marketing manager of JVC's Security Division, Said: “Today's security surveillance professional wants best-in-class solution. We believe JVC's new line of FULL HD IP-based cameras is the perfect complement to exacqVision's video management system.”

VMS ExacqVision software is an open cross-platform system used in video surveillance systems. The server software (Windows or Linux) is installed on ExacqVision hybrid servers (incorporating analog and network cameras), los servidores de cámaras IP de ExacqVision y los servidores comerciales. Each ExacqVision server can be viewed and managed with the free client software available for Windows, Linux and Macintosh. Client software connects to an unlimited number of ExacqVision servers (regardless of the operating systems used) to create a truly scalable surveillance solution that uses both analog and network cameras. Integration with JVC's new line has been created using the ONVIF standard, specifically designed to ensure interoperability between products, regardless of manufacturer.

Roger Shuman, marketing manager at Exacq Technologies, has targeted: “JVC es un líder probado ofreciendo vídeo de alta calidad para el mercado de consumo y broadcast. Its latest Full HD network surveillance cameras offer the same quality to the physical security industry. We are delighted to be able to add support for your cameras for our ExacqVision software. “

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By • 22 Oct, 2012
• Section: Computer security, Video surveillance