The company Xip Solucions has installed a facial recognition system at the Enric Borràs Institute in Badalona (Barcelona) that allows to quickly and effectively control the attendance to class of the students, identifying the student in less than two seconds.

blankThe Enric Borràs Institute of Badalona has installed faceID facial biometric terminals of Kimaldi with the aim of controlling, effectively, the class attendance of its students. The company in charge of the installation of this system has been Xip Solution. From now on, the students of this educational center badalonés will have it more difficult if they want to miss class. This system allows, if one day a student does not go to class, your parents receive an SMS or email with this information. Weekly, the student's tutors receive a list of the times each student has missed class.

Kimaldi's faceID system also informs if the student is late for class. In less than two seconds, the terminals installed in the educational center can recognize the student only by being located near the machine. The terminal reads, in 3D, the square formed from the eyebrows to under the lip. With this information, distance and depth vectors are sufficient to identify the person. In a minute, the terminal can identify up to 50 Students. In addition, has a filter system that avoids sending SMS to parents if they have notified the center that the student will not go to class.

From Xip Solucions ensure that it is the most effective and fastest recognition system. The technical director of the company, Oriol Marti, explains that ID cards could cause students to exchange them and digital printing is ineffective with the growth of adolescents.

The director of the Institute Enric Borràs, Ana Garcia, ensures that, since it has been installed, first-year ESO students attend class every day. The school decided to implement this system, financed with the subsidies of the Pla de Millora that fights against school absenteeism. In addition to the responsibility of the students to know that they will be controlled, Xip Solucions says they have also noticed an increase in parental involvement.

In the Enric Borràs Institute, four of these devices have been installed for the recognition of 150 first-year ESO students and plans to expand the terminals to control second-year ESO students.

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By • 3 Oct, 2012
• Section: Detection, Intrusion, Computer security