Tyco International has completed its plan to split into three independent companies: Adt, Fire & Security Alarm Systems Supplier; Flow Control, Provider of Flow Management Systems and Thermal Control Solutions; and Tyco, provider of safety and fire protection solutions.

blankTyco You have completed your separation operation, becoming the world's largest company dedicated exclusively to fire safety and protection, in terms of market share. With more than 3 millions of customers and 69.000 employees in 50 Countries, The new company focuses its efforts on growing faster and increasing its value through design, Supply and maintenance of safety and fire protection solutions. Tyco Focuses on Finding Smarter Ways to Save Lives, improve business activity and protect people's places of residence and work.

George R. Oliver, The company's new CEO, has assured: “This is an exciting day for Tyco. Our customers trust us to help them protect what matters most to them. Now that we are a company focused exclusively on safety and fire protection, We are better positioned to continue investing in technology and innovation to deliver market-leading solutions. We have the right team and we are at the right time to help our clients achieve their goals”.

Tyco's broad portfolio of products and services allows you to work together with your customers to help them get the best answer to their needs. Tyco addresses these critical needs with the latest technology solutions in fire detection and suppression, Personal Protective Equipment, Monitoring, intrusion detection, Video surveillance, Access Control & In-Store Performance & Security Solutions.

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By • 1 Oct, 2012
• Section: Detection, Test equipment, Business