Tyco Retail Solutions, a unit of Tyco International, provider of integrated in-store security and performance solutions for retailers, whose portfolio is sold through ADT, has released the TrueVUE software platform, that combines information about efficiency in store, employee productivity, inventory and customer service visibility for optimization of retail operations.


Tyco Retail Solutions, provider of solutions for the improvement of in-store performance and security that provides its security services through ADT Security and certified partners in Europe, has launched the integrated performance platform in store TrueVUE. The new platform combines the company's leading in-store performance and security solutions and provides retailers with real-time insights enabling them to get rid of vulnerabilities in point-of-sale operations., as well as making well-documented tactical and strategic business decisions.

The integrated TrueVUE in-store performance platform is designed with the 45 años de experiencia en el mercado retail de Tyco y convierte a la compañía en el socio idóneo para aconsejar a los minoristas sobre cuál es la mejor forma de implementar toda esta tecnología con el fin de contar con el máximo rendimiento en tienda disponible en el mercado.

Software platform extracts insights from Tyco's in-store security and performance solutions to capture, interpret, inform and be able to react in the most appropriate way according to the needs of the business with the operational data obtained in real time from stores, Employees, inventory and buyers and optimizing retail operations as well as, improving the customer experience. Integrated platform helps retailers address many of the most important goals: optimize inventory, improve conversion rates and product replenishment strategies at points of sale, minimize theft, boost employee productivity and boost overall store performance.


New solution for the retail sector

Ruben Garcia, Retail Sales Director of ADT Spain, has stated that “la plataforma integrada de rendimiento en tienda TrueVUE representa una importante evolución en el portfolio de soluciones para el retail de ADT y demuestra su compromiso con los minoristas a la hora de proveerlos de soluciones sin precedentes a nivel empresarial y de tienda que les ayuden a mejorar sus operaciones en el dinámico mundo del retail. As a complementary solution to ERP solutions (integral management of companies) and POS (point of sale management) now we can offer retailers an integrated solution, escalable y completa que aborde sus preocupaciones de negocio más importantes mientras cubren las necesidades básicas de captar, serve and retain its customers."

Based on open standards, The TrueVUE platform easily integrates with a variety of the best detection devices and technologies (including EAS, RFID readers and antennas, IP cameras, Tags, video, access control, Etc.) both of Tyco, as well as certified third parties, in a modular software package that includes graphical remote device management and cross-sensor data analysis. Using the common software platform, retailers can also minimize the costs associated with supporting multiple technologies, cut implementation costs, support and maintenance, and reduce deployment and evaluation time; all critical issues in the retail business.

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By • 17 Sep, 2012
• Section: Detection, Computer security