Vaddio, manufacturer and distributor of specialized PTZ cameras and high-quality camera control systems,is improving your ClearView HD-USB PTZ camera and just announced a free update that will allow users to control the camera from any device with a web browser.


Vaddio has made a major software update for its line of USB cameras. The Free Software Update Version 1.0.1 allows users of ClearView HD-USB PTZ cameras the ability to control the camera from any computer or mobile device that supports a web browser.

Rob Sheeley, CEO of Vaddio, has pointed out: “When we launched our EasyUSB camera systems we knew that our customers demand more sophisticated control than a traditional IR remote control. Connecting to the camera's Ethernet port, users can now search for the built-in web server in the camera and have complete control of the camera using the preconfigured web user control panel”.

Internal websites inside the camera allow hd-USB camera control via Internet connection via a standard web browser. Users can adjust pan controls, Inclination, zoom and home, as well as horizontal motion controls, vertical and zoom speed, video switching sources and save and recover six camera presets. Administrators have the additional ability to control security passwords, change the IP address, visualization diagnostics, access firmware updates and Help settings. The IP address will be displayed on the screen outside the composite analog component (Ypbpr) and USB video output.

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By • 17 Aug, 2012
• Section: Computer security, Video surveillance