Vaddio, company specializing in PTZ cameras and control systems, communicated compatibility with the new PTZ cameras of the Canon brands, Panasonic and Sony, that are configured with standard Cat5 cabling systems to deliver high-quality video.

blankVaddio announced its support for Canon's new PTZ cameras, Panasonic and Sony, including Canon XU-80 models, Canon 80W-XU, Panasonic AW-HE120, Panasonic HE50H, Sony BRC-H900, Sony EVI-D90 and Sony EVI-D80. All cameras are configured with Vaddio's cabling systems to deliver high-quality video, power and control through standard Cat5 cabling.

Tom Mingo, Vaddio vice president of sales, has pointed out: "Vaddio remains committed to supporting the best camera technologies available by developing our Cat5 systems and easy-to-install CCU packages built around high-end cameras in the industry. In addition to the support for the installation of these cameras, Vaddio supports these new models by integrating its control protocols into our comprehensive line of automated control systems and operator-controlled systems”.

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By • 8 Jun, 2012
• Section: Video surveillance