The specialist in video surveillance solutions Scati has just obtained the level of maturity 2 (ML2) CMMI model, that ensures quality and continuous improvement in the development of custom software projects and in the processes of creating new products of the company.

Scati has reached the level of maturity 2 (ML2) CMMI model (specifically CMMI-DEV, in your version 1.3), in your software product development processes, fruit of its commitment to the quality of its products and the satisfaction of its customers. The Zaragoza firm had been since the beginning of 2011 in the process of implementing the CMMI model, with the aim of ensuring quality in the development of your software projects, as well as ensuring continuous improvement in the development process of its products.

Developed by the SEI (Software Engineering Institute), CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is one of the most important models worldwide that establishes good practices in the evaluation of processes for development, maintenance and operation of software systems. Scati already has AENOR certifications for its Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001) and R&D&I Management (Une 166002) and is in the implementation phase of the Environmental Management System (SGM) in accordance with ISO 14001.

Benito Cuezva, ceo of Scati, Said: "Thanks to the use of these good practices, of a methodology for evaluation and continuous improvement, we will optimize the software project planning processes and the quality of our products and solutions. This accreditation gives us a differential value to undertake large security projects and improve the satisfaction of our current customers".

The result of the evaluation, held in March 2012 can be queried in the database PARS (Published Appraisal Results) of the SEI.

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By • 16 May, 2012
• Section: General