Ex-Sight, software company that specializes in precision facial recognition systems, has supplied the Brazilian Military Police with glasses with a digital camera associated with a facial recognition system capable of analyzing up to 46.000 biometric points and 400 faces per second, which are then compared to a database of up to 13 millions of people.


The company Ex-Sight Spain has developed a facial recognition system that identifies potential criminals or wrongdoers, allowing you to react more quickly to law enforcement, so they can take appropriate action. This technology will be used for the first time and massively at the Brazilian World Cup 2014, after the agreement signed by this company with the Brazilian Football Federation.

A small micro-camera installed on the frame of a pair of glasses allows to collect the most striking points of each face (the nose, the eyes, cheekbones, the chin, forehead, Et cetera) up to a total of 46.000 information nodes. But the most interesting thing is not that I manage to capture them, but also, you can cross-check them against a database like Brazil's, with more than 13 millions of criminals wanted for justice. The innovative contraption is especially useful in environments with a large number of people because the installed software allows to capture up to 400 faces per second.


When a cop looks in a specific direction, the system analyzes people and makes every face with the 700.000 photographs of the Brazilian Military Police database, warning in case of finding matches, directly showing the suspect's file. The information is transmitted via Bluetooth to an external hard drive that the policeman carries in his pocket. Communication between components takes three seconds and can also occur over wireless Internet or 3G networks.

With the standard system, military policemen check information about suspects on the radio with the dispatch center. New information is added to the database only when police officers send incident reports. Wearing the glasses and quick consultation of the PM database allows the policeman to decide if they need to call for backup before approaching the suspect.


Long-distance safety

The Ex-Sight company started operations in Brazil last year. Equipped with biometric readers, special glasses that are being tested by the Military Police of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro allow policemen to decide whether to act or request reinforcements, without having to approach the suspects. They have a field of view 50 meters and 20 Kilometers.

Arnaldo Maciel, director of Ex-Sight in Latin America, Reviewed: "Today, a Brazilian policeman sees a suspect on the street and tomorrow he goes on vacation or retires and that information is lost. With the use of biometrics, that suspect is registered in the system. Software improves what already exists, which is information".

The technology developed by Ex-Sight, to be used in 26 football stadiums during the World Cup 2014, can be used as a security system in fixed cameras that can be installed in football stadiums, government agency buildings, Etc.; mobile cameras that can be used in cars, vans or other vehicles; about glasses, that would carry law enforcement, integrated with a minicomputer; and cars, allowing it to start only when the system recognizes the appropriate driver's face.


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By • 14 May, 2012
• Section: General