The manufacturer of infrared thermal imaging cameras FLIR Systems has added to its catalog the new FLIR GF304 gas video sensor camera, Specially developed for the detection of refrigerant gases.

blankFLIR Systems has released the FLIR GF304, A gas sensor video camera that has been specially developed for the detection of refrigerant gases, without the need to interrupt the activity. Refrigerant gases are used worldwide in industrial refrigeration systems for production, Food storage and retail. Refrigerant gas is also used in the chemical industry, pharmaceutical and automotive and in air conditioning systems.

Maintaining a functioning industrial refrigeration system is of great importance due to the value of refrigerated goods. Moreover, Gas replacement or refilling can be an expensive exercise. Despite the fact that refrigerant gases are of vital importance for many industries, It can also be hazardous to the environment and may be regulated by local regulations.. That's why it's of utmost importance to find leaks quickly and easily.. FLIR Systems makes this possible with the FLIR GF304 infrared camera for optical images of gas.

FLIR GF304 Reduces Lost Revenue by Locating Gas Leaks, even the small ones, quickly and efficiently, and remotely. It also reduces inspection time by being able to scan a wide area quickly without the need to interrupt the industrial process..

The refrigerant gases detected by the FLIR GF304 are R404A – R407C, R410A – R134A, R417A – R422A, R507A – R143a and R125 – R245fa. The most commonly used refrigerants are R404A, R410A, R407C and R134A.

Dual use

The FLIR GF304 can be used both for finding gas leaks and for maintenance inspections where a temperature reading is required.. The FLIR GF304 displays the temperature of -20 °C to +500 °c. High voltage inspections can be easily performed, low voltage, mechanical and many others with the FLIR GF304.

Wireless connectivity

Wireless connectivity via a USB Wi-Fi adapter allows you to connect the FLIR GF304 to smartphones or tablet PCs for wireless image transfer or remote camera control.

In addition, with the GF304 gas video sensor camera it is easy to explore areas of interest that are difficult to reach with conventional methods. The camera has an ergonomic design with a bright LCD screen and tilting viewfinder, making it easy to use the camera throughout the day.

High Sensitivity Mode

High Sensitivity Mode (HSM) Further increases the sensitivity of the camera so that smaller gas leaks can also be detected.. HSM function makes inspection process easier, Faster and more accurate for utility engineers and camera operators.

FLIR GF304 contains a quantum infrared photodetector (QWIP) cooling and a cold band pass filter that allow gases to be visualized in the frequency band of 8.0-8.6 Micrometers, making clearly visible not only refrigerant gases, but also the smallest of temperature differences.

The FLIR GF304 comes with a 14,5 ° fixed or with a lens of 24 °Fixed. A version with interchangeable lenses is also available, but requires a license from the U.S. Department of State. USA.

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By • 10 Apr, 2012
• Section: General